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EAR 9.1+ Accounting Entries Not Getting Generated Correctly For Payments With Exchange Rate When Unposted/Reposted (Doc ID 2154298.1)

Last updated on JUNE 24, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise FIN Receivables - Version 9.1 to 9.2 [Release 9]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On : 9.1 version, Payment Processing Bundle 36

USD payments that come in CAD business unit. When they come in, they have an X exchange rate. If for any reason, they are unposted and reposted in a new period, and the accounting date on the payment is updated. Now when the payment is reapplied, the accounting entries generated do not have the correct Base Currency code.

Instead of USD, they get defaulted to CAD.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1 Create a USD payment in CAD deposit Business unit.
2 Create/Apply the payment by creating OA in the US business unit/customer.
3 Run AR Update
4 Validate the accounting entries. The entries would have USD as the base currency for A-Asset line.
5 Unpost the payment. Update the accounting date to date other than the original accounting date. Make sure the exchange rate on the payment table is not equal to the exchange rate in RT_RATE_TBL for that accounting date.
6 Reapply the payment similar to above steps.
7 Run AR update
8 Verify the accounting entries. This time the entries would have CAD as the base currency on the A-asset line in the PENDING_DST and ITEM_DST tables.

The currencies should not change based on the changes in the exchange rate.
The issue has the following business impact:
Due to this issue, users cannot process the correct accounting entry.


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