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EAP: The Voucher Line Merchandise Amount in Database and in PIA Do Not Match (Doc ID 2253663.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 05, 2023

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise FIN Payables - Version 9.1 to 9.2 [Release 9]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


 The Voucher Line Merchandise Amount in Database and in PIA do not match.

1. Create a Qty PO  with unit Price = 4996.15680, Qty = 0.1301 and Amt = 650 with matching turned on. Distribute the amount into 2 distrib lines
2. Dispatch the PO
3. Create a Receipt
4. Create a Voucher by copying the PO
5. Enter the quantity and price again (even if it is same as the one copied from PO) such that the merchandise amounts are recalculated as 162.38 and 487.62
6. Save the Voucher. Query DISTRIB_LINE table which should have merchandise amounts matching with the amounts in PIA.
7. Change distribute by option on the invoice lines to "Amount" and change the merchandise amount on each distribution line such that the total amount remains the same but the merchandise amount on individual distribution lines are different
    Distrib line 1-162.49
    Distrib line 2- 487.51
8. Again change distribute by option on the invoice lines to "Quantity" which recalculates the amounts as below
Distrib line 1-162.38
Distrib line 2- 487.62

9. Click on Allocate by Pct Button and click on save button which changes the amounts to 162.49 and 487.51.
10. Query DISTRIB_LINE table, merchandise amount on PIA and in database matches
11. Again change the Distribute by option to 'Amount' and change the merchandise amounts to 162.38 and 487.62 on individual distribution lines and do not click save button
12. Query DISTRIB_LINE table, merchandise amount on PIA and in database matches
13. Again change the Distribute by option to Quantity which doesn't recalculate the Merchandise amounts as the amounts are correct. Do not save the voucher.
14. Query DISTRIB_LINE table, merchandise amount on PIA and in database matches
15. Open a new window and run matching for this voucher in batch mode
16. Run Voucher Posting
17. Reopen the voucher from the same window where the voucher was already opened. System gave following message
"Do you want to save your changes? Click Yes to go back and save, or No to discard your changes."

18. Opened the voucher from a  different window

Merchandise amounts in PIA and database should be same and they should be 162.49 and 487.51




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