PC_EXPRSS_AM is Sending Duplicate Transactions To Asset Management When Asset Transactions Were Reversed
(Doc ID 2308624.1)
Last updated on JANUARY 13, 2023
Applies to:
PeopleSoft Enterprise FIN Project Costing - Version 9.2 to 9.2 [Release 9]Information in this document applies to any platform.
On : 9.2 version, Interfaces
PC_EXPRSS_AM process incorrectly sending transactions that is causing duplicate data to be send over to AM when Reversing (PC_REVRSE_AM) is utilized.
PC_EXPRSS_AM process should not duplicate transactions.
1. Create a Project
2. Go To Asset Integration Rules tab - Turn on Enable Integration -
Capitalization checked, Asset Identification Rule - "Many Assets From Each
Activity" and choose "Project percent Distribution", Asset Creation Trigger
- "Asset In service Date"
3. Create an Activity
4. Define Express Asset - 100% to one asset. Inservice date of asset is
5. Create a ACT of $1000 and process
RESOURCE_AMOUNT = $1000 , Resource_ID = 1 and RESOURCE_ID_FROM = 1 , ASSET_ID = ' ' and AM_DISTRIB_STATUS ='N' at this time for this transaction
6. Run PC_EXPRSS_AM process. $1000 COST goes to INTFC_FIN as expected.
RESOURCE_AMOUNT = $1000 , Resource_ID = 1 and RESOURCE_ID_FROM = 1 , ASSET_ID = ' ' and AM_DISTRIB_STATUS ='V'
RESOURCE_AMOUNT = -$1000 , Resource_ID = 2 and RESOURCE_ID_FROM = 1 , ASSET_ID = ' ' and AM_DISTRIB_STATUS ='V'
RESOURCE_AMOUNT = $1000 , Resource_ID = 3 and RESOURCE_ID_FROM = 1 , ASSET_ID = '00001 ' and AM_DISTRIB_STATUS ='D'
7. Review Assets > Search the transaction and reverse and process the transactions to AM.
RESOURCE_AMOUNT = $1000 , Resource_ID = 3 and RESOURCE_ID_FROM = 3 , ASSET_ID = '00001 ' and AM_DISTRIB_STATUS ='V'
RESOURCE_AMOUNT = -$1000 , Resource_ID = 4 and RESOURCE_ID_FROM = 3 , ASSET_ID = '00001 ' and AM_DISTRIB_STATUS ='V'
RESOURCE_AMOUNT = $1000 , Resource_ID = 5 and RESOURCE_ID_FROM = 3 , ASSET_ID = ' ' and AM_DISTRIB_STATUS ='N'
This is correct
8. Run PC_EXPRSS_AM process
RESOURCE_AMOUNT = $1000 , Resource_ID = 6 and RESOURCE_ID_FROM = 1 , ASSET_ID = '00001 ' and AM_DISTRIB_STATUS ='D' <<<<<< THIS IS INCORRECT.
RESOURCE_AMOUNT = -$1000 , Resource_ID = 7 and RESOURCE_ID_FROM = 5 , ASSET_ID = ' ' and AM_DISTRIB_STATUS ='V' << Correct
RESOURCE_AMOUNT = $1000 , Resource_ID = 8 and RESOURCE_ID_FROM = 5 , ASSET_ID = '00001 ' and AM_DISTRIB_STATUS ='D' << Correct
Effectively PC is sending $2000 rather than $1000
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Symptoms |
Cause |
Solution |
References |