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Changing Tax Applicability on PO With PO Vouchers Breaks Link With Voucher (Doc ID 2427358.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 14, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise SCM Purchasing - Version 9.2 to 9.2 [Release 9]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Changing Tax Applicability on PO with PO Vouchers breaks link with Voucher reversal EN entry.
When a user change the sales tax applicability on a PO that has been vouchered, it breaks the link between voucher and PO.


The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Navigate to Main Menu>Set Up Financials/Supply Chain>Business Unit Related>Procurement>Procurement Control
  Select Non Prorated tax charge code for Sales, Use, and Freight tax and misc charge.
2. Navigate to: Main Menu>Set Up Financials/Supply Chain>Product Related>Procurement Options>Charges/Costs>Misc Charge/Landed Cost Defn
  Verify the setup for ‘SaleTXNP’, Prorate check box should not be checked
  Verify the setup for “USETAXNP”, Prorate check box should not be checked.
  Verify the setup for “FRGTNP”, Prorate check box should not be checked.
  Verify the setup for “MISCNP”, Prorate check box should not be checked.

1. Create TAX PO - Budget Check, Dispatch
2. Budget Overview – CC_ORG/DETAIL - encumbrance created.
3. Create voucher copy from PO.
4. Budget Check Voucher. You must run via Batch Budget Check
5. Change PO SUT_APPLICABILITY =E (exempt)
6. Validate PO KK
7. Change PO back to SUT_APPLICABILITY - Sales Tax applicable
8. Validate PO KK
9. Close PO
10. Budget Overview – DETAIL. Encumbrance not liquidated correctly - (Negative EN - Closed PO created a separate reversal entry)





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