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Periodic Processing for Cash Balance/Employee Accounts with Skipped Periods Does Not Complete (Doc ID 2433570.1)

Last updated on NOVEMBER 09, 2023

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM Pension Administration - Version 9.2 to 9.2 [Release 9]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


An employee account is built as of the end of a particular period (month or year) with the most recent processing either having been Delete and Rebuild (which created the entire account history) or Normal Processing (which would have added the most recent period to an existing history). An attempt is then made using Normal Processing mode to update the account 2 periods later, that is, one period's processing was missed for whatever reason.

In earlier versions, this would have generated an error message that more than one period had elapsed since the prior processing. Different results are occurring, however, in 9.2:

1. If the employee has a startup value for the cash balance/empl account function result:
    A. If the last earlier processing was Normal Processing, no rows are created.
    B. If the last earlier processing was Delete and Rebuild, the account history is corrupted with only the first row and the last (before the current processing) retained.
        All of the history - as well as the results of those rows' activity - both contributions and interest - are lost.
2. If the employee does NOT have a startup value for the cash balance/empl account function result:
    A. If the last earlier processing was Normal Processing, no rows are created.
    B. If the last earlier processing was Delete and Rebuild, the account history is updated with a single period, the one that was actually skipped.

In none of the above situations is an error message issued.

1. Run Periodic Processing for an employee whose Employee Account was last run 2 months before the As of Date entered on the Run Control (Navigation: Pension > Periodic Processes > Request Process).




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