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ECA : PSA_ACCTGGL Abended at Step IU_PROCESSOR.U400.U400-010 (SQL) -- RC = 805 (Doc ID 2492888.1)

Last updated on NOVEMBER 16, 2023

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise FIN Contracts - Version 9.2 to 9.2 [Release 9]
PeopleSoft Enterprise FIN Project Costing - Version 9.2 to 9.2 [Release 9]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When running the revenue recognition PSA_ACCTGGL processes against source rows created by the Project Costing interest calculation, PSA_ACCTGGGL Fails with below error:

Stmt#: XXXX Error Position: 0 Return: 805 - ORA-00001: Unique constraint (SYSADM.PS_PSA_ACCTDSTGL6) violated

Process XXXXXX ABENDED at Step IU_PROCESSOR.U400.U400-010 (SQL) -- RC = 805

1. Create a setup to create Intraunit entries based on department
2. Set up configuration to calculate interest
3. Create Accounting Rules for calculated interest
4. System transaction Definition-  PCACCT, Make the Other Fields populate section as blanks for PC BU, ACTIVITY_ID, and PROJECT_ID

1. Define Interest calculations for the PC BU
2. Create a project and 2 activities
3. Create a Contract with a rate-based line and associate the project to the contract. Need for revenue accounting entries. If not, using Cost Accounting entries in PC can be used for replication as well
4. Add 2 ACT costs against each project/activity combination
5. Run the Calculate Interest PC_INTEREST process to generate INT rows. Notice that the interest calculated for the 2 Activities will have the same RESOURCE_ID value <<<<<<< This is what is causing the PSA_ACCTGGL process to fail under certain circumstances
6. Run PSA_ACCTGGL to recognize revenue for the INT rows.


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