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In eBenefits Fluid Enrollment, Enrollment Page for Plan Type with Certification Freezes if Add Dependent Button Is Selected Immediately after Page Opens (Doc ID 2601410.1)

Last updated on JUNE 08, 2023

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM eBenefits - Version 9.2 to 9.2 [Release 9]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


In Fluid Benefits Enrollment, when attempting to enroll in Medical benefits after filling in a Benefits Certificate, the screen locks up when the Add Dependent button is selected.  Trace file shows the followingeError:

Caught Exception: 'BNE_OPEN_ENROLL_FL:Page:SubPage:PrimaryCareProvider' does not support property or method 'PlanElectSection'. (180,160) BNE_OPEN_ENROLL_FL.Page.SubPage.EnrollDependent.OnExecute Name:DependEnrollChanged PCPC:21935 Statement:310
Called from:BNE_OPEN_ENROLL_FL.Page.SubPage.EnrollDependent.OnExecute Name:PopulateDataToPage Statement:215
Called from:BNE_OPEN_ENROLL_FL.Page.SubPage.EnrollDependent.OnExecute Name:BuildPage Statement:20
Called from:BNE_OPEN_ENROLL_FL.Controller.XPlanControlle

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Navigate to Self Service> Benefit Details> Benefits Enrollment
2. Click on Medical tile
3. The Benefits Certificate Entry/Agreement pops up.
4. Enter the information then click Agree.
5. The “Medical” enrollment selection page appears.
6. If click on “Add Dependent” button, the screen locks up.




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