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POST_HIRE_REQUEST IB Authorization Error 'Not Authorized - GetMessageText: No default message. (90,6).' Followed By Subsequent Error 'Referral Source: The system could not push the data as it encountered issues while saving the record.' (Doc ID 2640258.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 26, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM Talent Acquisition Manager - Version 9.2 to 9.2 [Release 9]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


The HIRE_REQUEST IB message processed successfully and sent the applicant information to Manage Hires.

Once the hire was completed, a POST_HIRE_REQUEST IB message was generated but it has gone to error to say 'Not Authorized - GetMessageText: No default message. (90,6).

After adding the requisite PeopleSoft Security, the Message was resubmitted, however continues to error-out.

PS_HRS_SOURCE has multiple rows for the Source that are overlapping in their EFFDT and HRS_END_EFFDT fields.



Not Authorized - GetMessageText: No default message. (90,6).'

followed by

Referral Source: The system could not push the data as it encountered issues while saving the record.


The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

1. Login as PeopleSoft Administrator
2. Hire an employee via Recruitment.
3. The HIRE_REQUEST IB message processes successfully and sends the applicant information to Manage Hires.
4. Once the hire is completed, a POST_HIRE_REQUEST IB message is generated but goes to error to say 'Not Authorized - GetMessageText: No default message. (90,6).
5. Correct the Authorization error by enabling the needed PeopleSoft Security.
6. Resubmit the message
7. Go to Setup HCM > Product Related > Recruiting > Recruitment Sources > Advertisement
8. Click Correct History
9. Add a row by clicking the + sign
10. Set the Eff Date of the new row = +1 day from the Eff Date of the prior row.
11. Save
12. Select from PS_HRS_SOURCE shows that the EFFDT = HRS_END_EFFDT on the prior row.
13. Now run the POST_HIRE_REQUEST on JOs which have been posted to the same Recruiting Source Advertisement.
14. Observe the error "Referral Source: The system could not push the data as it encountered issues while saving the record."




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