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EEX 9.2: My Wallet Transaction Attachments Get Incorrectly Purged from Records PS_PV_ATTACHMENTS and PS_PV_ATT_DB_SRV When Items Are Deleted from Defaulted Expense Report (Doc ID 2718833.1)

Last updated on APRIL 17, 2023

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise FIN Expenses - Version 9.2 to 9.2 [Release 9]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


A problem has been detected when an Employee deletes multiple My Wallet transactions at the same time from an Expense Report, both on Fluid User interface, and Online Classic. If the aforementioned My Wallet transactions had attachment files uploaded on each of them, then at the time of saving the deletion changes, the Items get released back into My Wallet feature, but their attached documents get purged from the PS_PV_ATTACHMENTS, and PS_PV_ATT_DB_SRV Records.

This is only taking place when more than one My Wallet transaction with attachments is deleted at the same time from an Expense Report. This breaks the synchronicity of Attachment transaction data on the affected Items between Record PS_EX_TRANS_ATTACH, where the rows persist, and its related rows in Tables PS_PV_ATTACHMENTS, and PS_PV_ATT_DB_SRV. As a result, if the Employee opens the Attachments page for the My Wallet transactions, the File Name and the Description fields show the values of: Reference Not Found.

At the same time, in Fluid Attachments page, if the 'Reference Not Found' File Name link is clicked, the system throws an Error Message.


  1.- Log into the FSCM Online Application as an Expenses User
  2.- Go to the Expenses Fluid Homepage, and click on the My Wallet Tile
  3.- Create two new My Wallet transactions, and make sure to upload a new file on each of them
  4.- Go back into the Expenses Fluid Homepage, and click on the Create Expense Report Tile
  5.- Define the Business Purpose, enter a Description, and select a Default Location
  6.- Proceed to select from the 'Expense Report Action' drop down list the value of 'Add from My Wallet'
  7.- Confirm that both My Wallet Items are displayed, click on SELECT ALL button, and then on IMPORT button
  8.- Back on the Expense Report page, click on the Update Details button
  9.- Confirm that there are two Expense Lines, and each is displaying its respective attachment file
  10.- Query the below list of Records, and confirm the results that all rows are present:
       a) PS_EX_ER_ATTACH - Contains rows, which is correct
       b) PS_PV_ATTACHMENTS - Contains rows, which is correct
       c) PS_PV_ATT_DB_SRV - Contains rows, which is correct
       d) PS_EX_TRANS_ATTACH - Contains rows, which is correct
  11.- Now, at the Expense Entry page, click on the MORE button
  12.- Click on the SELECT ALL button
  13.- Click on the DELETE button
  14.- On the new message displayed, click on YES button
  15.- This saves the Expense Report Header in Fluid with no Expense Lines
  16.- Query once again the below list of Records:
       a) PS_EX_ER_ATTACH - Contains NO rows, which is correct
       b) PS_PV_ATTACHMENTS - Contains NO rows, which is NOT CORRECT
       c) PS_PV_ATT_DB_SRV - Contains NO rows, which is NOT CORRECT
       d) PS_EX_TRANS_ATTACH - Contains rows, which is correct
  17.- Go back to the Expenses Fluid Homepage, and click on the My Wallet Tile
  18.- Find the 2 My Wallet transactions, and click on the Attach Receipt section
  19.- In the Attachments page, the File Name is 'Reference Not Found', and same as the File Description
  20.- If clicked on the File Name link of 'Reference Not Found', the system throws an Error Message


  1.- Log into the FSCM Online Application as an Expenses User
  2.- Go to the My Wallet feature, and create two new My Wallet transactions, making sure to upload a new file on each of them
  3.- Proceed now to create a new Expense Report for this Employee
  4.- Define the Business Purpose, enter a Description, and select a Default Location
  5.- Continue by defaulting from My Wallet the two transactions previously created
  6.- Save the changes of the Expense Report
  7.- Confirm that there are two Expense Lines, and each is correctly displaying its respective attachment file
  8.- Query the below list of Records, and confirm the results that all rows are present:
       a) PS_EX_ER_ATTACH - Contains rows, which is correct
       b) PS_PV_ATTACHMENTS - Contains rows, which is correct
       c) PS_PV_ATT_DB_SRV - Contains rows, which is correct
       d) PS_EX_TRANS_ATTACH - Contains rows, which is correct
  9.- Now, at the Modify Expense Report page, click on the minus sign (-) on the first Expense Line defaulted from My Wallet in order to delete it
  10.- A new message pops up requesting to confirm the deletion, click on OK button
  11.- Proceed to click on the minus sign (-) on the second Expense Line defaulted from My Wallet in order to delete it as well
  12.- The same message pops up requesting to confirm the deletion, click on OK button
  13.- At this stage, manually add a new Expense Report Line, by selecting an Expense Type value, a Description, Payment Method, and Amount
  14.- Save the changes on the resulting Expense Report
  15.- Query once again the below list of Records:
       a) PS_EX_ER_ATTACH - Contains NO rows, which is correct
       b) PS_PV_ATTACHMENTS - Contains NO rows, which is NOT CORRECT
       c) PS_PV_ATT_DB_SRV - Contains NO rows, which is NOT CORRECT
       d) PS_EX_TRANS_ATTACH - Contains rows, which is correct
  16.- Go back to the Employee's My Wallet page, and find the two transactions listed again
  17.- Click on the Attachments icon, and in the Attachments page, confirm that the File Name is displaying 'Reference Not Found', the same as the File Description


     " You tried to download or save a reference to an attachment which hasn't yet been uploaded!
       EX_ATTACHMENTS_FL.Utility.AttachmentHandler.OnExecute Name:OnlineDownload PCPC:16764 Statement:279
       Called from:EX_ATTACH_WRK.SCM_DOWNLOAD.FieldChange Statement:8 "

To gather more information concerning this scenario and its related problem, refer to the available Replication Steps PDF Document here linked containing the complete configuration and the replication steps necessary to reproduce the issue.

The attachments uploaded by the Expenses Employee into the My Wallet transactions is purged from the systems, and can no longer be accessed/viewed/downloaded by the Users and Approvers. Lost of documentation is of paramount importance if submitted Expense Reports need to be approval for payment. As such, approvals get delayed, and expense reimbursements may get delayed.

When deleting multiple Expense Report Lines from an Expense Report, in Fluid User Interface or Classic Online, the affected transactions should be returned into My Wallet, and if attachments were ever linked to them, the existing rows in Records PS_PV_ATTACHMENTS, and PS_PV_ATT_DB_SRV, should not be purged.

NOTE: In the images/screenshots/examples mentioned and/or the attached document, user details / company name / address / email / telephone number represent a fictitious sample (based upon made up data used in the Oracle Demo Vision instance).  Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended in any manner.




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