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The SF_AP_INTFC Application Engine Does Not Update Correct Name Changes In PS_SF_VENDOR Table. (Doc ID 2763087.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 26, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise CS Student Financials - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When running the Voucher / Vendor Sync process, application engine SF_AP_INTFC, the process does not correctly handle a student who received a refund in the past and then subsequently changed their name, prior to receiving an additional refund. When running SF_AP_INTFC after the student's newest refund, the name in the SF_VENDOR table is not updated to reflect the new name.

This issue will affect other processes that may rely on and use the SF_VENDOR table. For example, the table could be referenced by a 3rd party accounts payable product integrated with Campus Solutions.  

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

  1. Navigate to  Campus community >Biographical information > Personal information > Names, for someone who has received a refund in the past,  and change the name.
  2. Issue the person a new refund via batch refunding.
  3. Run the create vendor voucher process SF_AP_INTFC.
  4. Review data in PS_SF_VENDOR.



The issue may occur after upgrading to Campus Solutions 9.2, when previously on the 9.0 release, the SF_VENDOR table was always updated in the same situation. 


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