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EAR 9.2: Unable to Complete Payment Worksheet as Error Message (6040,903) Is Thrown Due to Record Field PS_CA_ACCTG_LN_PC.INVOICE Being Empty (Doc ID 2766972.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 03, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise FIN Receivables - Version 9.2 to 9.2 [Release 9]
Information in this document applies to any platform.



The Receivables system is throwing Error Message (6040,903) when building a brand new Payment Worksheet for an Item that has been originated in Contracts module. This is taking place because while Revenue Lines exist in Record PS_CA_ACCTG_LN_PC, the Field INVOICE in this Table is blank for the mentioned lines, because the Process Project Accounting process (PSA_ACCTGGL AE Program) was ran before the Projects Retrieve Billing Items process (PC_BI_TO_PC AE Program) was launched.

The PSA_ACCTGGL AE Program is responsible to create the Revenue Lines into Record PS_CA_ACCTG_LN_PC, but if PC_BI_TO_PC AE Program has not been run beforehand, then the first program does not know what value to populate into Record Field PS_CA_ACCTG_LN_PC.INVOICE, and as such, leaves it blank/empty.

At this stage, there is no alternative nor option to correct, or re-populate the INVOICE Field anymore, and as a result, the Item in question cannot be applied successfully into a Payment Worksheet.


  1.- Enable Commitment Control in the FSCM modules of General Ledger, Billing, Receivables, and Project Costing
  2.- Ensure that there are Budgets defined with enough amounts for the Expense and Revenue Ledgers on the ChartField combinations to be used
  3.- At the Receivables Options level, under the used Set ID, ensure that flag 'Notify if Revenue Missing' is selected within General 2 tab
  4.- Create a brand new Project ID, and set it to a Status of Approved and Active
  5.- Define a new Project Activity for the recently created Project ID
  6.- Create a brand new Contract, and add a new Contract Line with Price Type RATE
  7.- At the Contract Line Terms level, link the Contract Line to the Project ID and Project Activity previously created, and define a Rate Set
  8.- From the Contract Line, assign a new Billing Plan with an 'As Incurred' method, and select the Pre-Approved check-box
  9.- From the Contract Line, assign a new Revenue Plan with an 'As Incurred' method
  10.- At the Contract Line Accounting Distribution, define the Distribution Code that will point to the expected ChartField accounting values under the Revenue Forecast section
  11.- Set the new Contract in a Status of ACTIVE
  12.- In Project Costing, add a new ACT (Analysis Type) Transaction Line for the Project ID and Activity ID, with an Amount of 1000 USD, and using the Expenses ChartField accounting values
  13.- Process the newly created Transaction (PC_WRAPPER AE Program)
  14.- At the Project Costing Transaction List level, for the Project ID in question, ensure the new BIL (Analysis Type) Transaction has been generated
  15.- Launch the Process As Incurred Billing program (CA_BI_INTFC) for the Contract ID in question
  16.- Proceed to run the Billing Interface process (BIIF0001 AE Program) for the Interface ID created
  17.- Confirm a new Invoice has been created in Billing module, and set it to a RDY (Ready) status
  18.- Launch the Single Action Invoice PS Job with Commitment Control process for the Invoice at hand (BIJOB03K PSJob)
  19.- Launch the Update Contract/Projects Data BIPCC000 AE Program for the Invoice transaction
  20.- Go to the Accounts Receivable module, and set the Post Action to Batch Standard on the newly created External Item Group
  21.- Run AR Update process (AR_UPDATE AE Program) with the 'Pending Items' flag selected
  22.- Define the needed Accounting Rules (For PC BU, GL BU, and Analysis Type BIL combination), so that the Revenue line is pointing to the ChartField accounting values used for the Revenue Ledger
  23.- Launch the Process Project Accounting process for the Customer Contract (PSA_ACCTGGL AE Program)
  24.- Launch the PC_BI_TO_PC AE Program for the Project ID and its Activity ID
  25.- Query the Record PS_CA_ACCTG_LN_PC for the Customer Contract at hand, and confirm that Field INVOICE is empty/blank
  26.- Launch the Journal Generator process (FS_JGEN AE Program) for the Contract Accounting Entries (Accounting Definition CAPCDEFN), with the options of Edit, Budget Check, and Post selected (This would create the new Journal Entry from the Accounting present at Record PS_CA_ACCTG_LN_PC)
  27.- Create manually a brand new Regular Deposit, with a Payment, and define the Item generated from the Billing Invoice transaction
  28.- Proceed to Build a new Payment Worksheet from this Regular Deposit and Payment combination
  29.- At the Payment Worksheet Application page, confirm that the Item in question is listed, and then proceed to select it
  30.- At this stage, the system triggers an Error Message

To gather more information concerning this scenario and its related problem, refer to the available Replication Steps PDF Document here linked containing the complete configuration and the replication steps necessary to reproduce the issue.


    " Item XXXXX (BU value), XXXXXXXX (Customer ID), XXXXXXXXXX (Item ID), XX (Item Line) does not have a corresponding revenue row in contracts or billing. (6040,903)
      This item is not yet available for payment processing. No corresponding revenue line exists in contracts or billing, therefore the payment cannot be budget checked in Receivables. If you have changed the amount value for this item, you must delete the item from the worksheet in order to proceed. "

The PeopleSoft Enterprise FSCM delivered system allows the creation of data corruption is processes are not run in the expected order, and this prevents further processing of the Items that need to be paid, which remain outstanding until SQL Updates are forced into the main Records to workaround the problem. This is not desired, and definitely not supported.

The PSA_ACCTGGL AE Program should not generate the Revenue Lines into Record PS_CA_ACCTG_LN_PC, if PC_BI_TO_PC AE Program has not yet been run beforehand, or there should be a delivered way to populate via online pages, or through some process, the Record Field PS_CA_ACCTG_LN_PC.INVOICE, so the Items in Receivables can be paid, and further processed.

NOTE: In the images/screenshots/examples mentioned and/or the attached document, user details / company name / address / email / telephone number represent a fictitious sample (based upon made up data used in the Oracle Demo Vision instance).  Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended in any manner.




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