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HECS Reconciliation Doubles the Deferral Amount on Dynamic Dated Classes When Insufficient CHESSN Available Amount (Doc ID 2808753.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 26, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise CS Student Financials - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


HECS Reconciliation is posting a deferral double the amount available on the CHESSN Help Loan Entitlement for the student. The student is enrolled in dynamic dated classes. The available amount for HELP processing is less than the HECS charge amount.

The effective date on the CHESSN page for the student is before the census date of the classes the student is enrolled in.  One or more of the dynamic dated classes census date has not been overridden.

HECS Reconciliation should defer only the available amount for HELP loans based on the effective dated row on the CHESSN record.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Australian Loan Processing, Process HECS Reconciliation;
  2. Select a run control;
  3. Populate the run control for one student id. Enter a range of census date that includes the census date for all dynamically dated classes for the term;
  4. Submit the process to the process scheduler;
  5. Navigate to Student Financials, Tuition and Fees, Australian Loan Processing, Review HECS Results;
  6. Enter the emplid;
  7. Note the deferral amount is double the Balance available on the Campus Community, Personal Information (Student), Biographical (Student), Personal Attributes, CHESSN Data page.




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