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Epro Fluid Requisition Punchout: When Punch Back Loses Catalog and Web Supplier Security (Doc ID 2814593.1)

Last updated on OCTOBER 25, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise SCM eProcurement - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Epro Fluid Requisition Punchout: When Punch Back Loses Catalog and Web Supplier Security.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:


1. Create a new Role (ROLE1). Navigation: PeopleTools > Security > Permissions and Roles > Roles
2. Check Requester Setup for VP1. Make sure Catalog set are: ALL_PURCHASE_ITEMS, COMPUTER_EQUIPMENT and HARDWARE. Navigation: Setup Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Procurement Options > Purchasing > Requester setup (VP1)
3. Go to Home and access Fluid ePro Requisition via Create Requisition tile
4. Assign the role to User (VP1) . Navigation: PeopleTools > Security >User Profiles > User Profiles
5. Enable Class type : AccessPolicy and GUI. Navigation : eProcurement > Administer Procurement > Maintain Catalogs > eProcurement Catalog Security Option
6. Enable Direct Connect Suppliers. Navigation: eProcurement > Administer Procurement > Maintain Catalogs > Catalog Types
7. Check Active for ROLENAME. Click Catalog Security and ADD. Add Role Name=ROLE1 and select Direct Connect Suppliers. Check Active. Navigation: eProcurement > Administer Procurement > Maintain Catalogs > Catalog Security Types
8. Add BU to DCSUPPLIER_SECURITY. Navigation: eProcurement > Administer Procurement > Maintain Catalogs > eProcurement Business Unit Actions


1. Login as VP1. Create Fluid Requisition via Create Requisition tile
2. VP1 sees the item catalogs which are part of his requester setup. VP1 sees only the Web supplier link provided access
3. Create ePro Fluid Punchout requisition
4. At Supplier Website. Select an item and add to cart
5. Review and Checkout. Submit Order
6. In ePro requisition select ‘Continue Shopping’. You will see that no catalog listed anymore
7. Expand Group Box 1 link. Select Tree Name and getting the error: ‘Invalid tree’. Issue 1 replicated
8. Accessing by left menu: Web Suppliers. It is showing all Web Suppliers. Lost Catalog Security. Issue 2 replicated




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