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'INAS calc cannot be performed against 'Rejected' ISIR row. (14400,150)' Message and IM INAS not Calculated When Running INAS with INAS Calc Type 'Both FM & IM' (Doc ID 2846263.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 25, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise CS Financial Aid - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When calculating INAS on-line, in batch, or at the time of ISIR Load, some students fail to calculate, with the following message displayed.

With batch processing, the FAPINCLC log file shows the following message:

The results can be verified further by querying STDNT_AWD_PER and noting that the FED_EFC, PRORATED_EFC, and INST_EFC values are all 0, even though the student has institutional data and values calculated INST_CALC_PC and INST_CALC_SC.

While it's understood that the FM EFC can't calculate based on a rejected ISIR, the expectation is that the process should still be able to still continue and calculate the IM EFC, as that is not dependent on the federal data.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

  1. On the Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Application Processing > INAS 20nn–20nn Global Options > Global and Federal Options setup page, set INAS data source to Both Federal and Institutional, and INAS Calc Type to Both FM&IM on one of the rule sets.
  2. Navigate to Financial Aid > Federal Application Data > Correct 20nn-20nn ISIR records for the aid year.
  3. Choose EMPLID that also has a Profile application loaded, and whose most recent ISIR row is Rejected.
  4. Click 'FM' link and assign the rule set defined in step 1.
  5. Back on the main page, click the INAS button, and note the message displayed on the page.


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