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Aid Year 2021-2022 Primary Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) Calculated by INAS is Less Than EFC Used by COD on Corrected Pell Origination Response (Doc ID 2852462.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 25, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise CS Financial Aid - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


After performing Pell Reconciliation for Aid Year 2022, records are identified where the Primary EFC calculated by INAS for the most recent ISIR transaction, and used to calculate the Pell and reported to COD, is less than the EFC used by COD on the origination response. In these case, it's found that COD sent the records back with statuses of 'Corrected', with the Pell amount adjusted based on the EFC determined by COD.

The expected result is that the Primary EFC internal to the CS system should match up with the EFC used by COD, especially since the Primary EFC is what was reported on the Pell origination. It may not be obvious in these cases exactly how, why, or where COD determined that the reported EFC was not correct.

This issue does not occur in most cases, but only a small subset, which appears to be limited to dependent students of a certain household size and number in college, with one example being the 2/1 combination.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

  1. Review Pell Origination on Financial Aid > Pell Payment > Manage Pell Payment > Pell Origination.
  2. Note value in the Pell EFC column for the most recent row received back from COD. This value should also match what is on Financial Aid > Federal Application Data > Correct 2021-2022 ISIR records > EFC\DB Matches\Corr for the current effective dated row.
  3. Go back to step 1 and also review Financial Aid > Pell Payment > Manage Pell Payment > Pell Disbursement, and note that COD returned the record in 'Corrected' Status with the amount adjusted.
  4. Review COD system or Pell chart to determine EFC used by COD, and note difference with EFC in step 2.


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