EEX 9.2: Active Delegation And Reassigned Expense Reports Get Stuck In Worklist Even After The Delegator Approves
(Doc ID 2860178.1)
Last updated on SEPTEMBER 07, 2023
Applies to:
PeopleSoft Enterprise FIN Expenses - Version 9.2 to 9.2 [Release 9]Information in this document applies to any platform.
Active Delegation and Reassigned Expense Reports get stuck in worklist even after the delegator approves
Set Up Steps
1. Login as VP1
2. Navigate to installation options (SetUp Financials/Supply Chain–Install–Installation Options-Expenses) and enable HR Manger-Supervisor workflow, and check workflow enabled.
3. Navigation to transaction definition (SetUp Financials/Supply Chain–Product Related–Expenses–Management–Approval SetUp–Map Approval Trans Definition) and Activate HR Supervisor step for the ERApproval to require before payment.
4. Navigate to delegation configuration (Enterprise Components–Delegation). Verify/Update the expense report delegation configuration to include the delegator.
5. Navigate to employee details (Travel and Expenses–Manage Employee Information–Update Employee Detail).
Update GL Business Unit (US003) , Department (25000), HR Supervisor (KU0005) for employee KU0022.
6. Navigate to user profiles (PeopleTools–Security–User Profiles–User Profiles).
6a.For User ID EXA2, add the Employee ID KU0022 (the Expense transaction owner).
6b.For User ID EXS1, add the Employee ID KU0005 (the Expense Report HR Supervisor). Make sure EXS1 has fluid approval and delegation roles.
6c.For User ID MGR1, add the Employee ID KU0006 (the Expense Report Manager). Make sure MGR1 has fluid approval and delegation roles.
7. Navigate to expense users (Travel and Expenses–Manage Expenses Security–Authorize Expense Users).
Authorize User ID EXA2 to enter Expense transactions on behalf of Employee ID KU0022.
8. Navigate to tableset control (PeopleTools–Utilities–Adminsitration–Maintain TableSet Controls). For Set Control Value US003, make sure the expense business unit options setid is set to US003.
9. Navigate to expense options (SetUp Financials/Supply Chain–Business Unit Related–Expenses–Expenses Options). Verify the expense options for US003
Replication Steps
1. Log in as EXA2 (the Expense transaction owner).
2. Navigate to expense reports (Home–Employee Self Service–Expenses–Create Expense Report). Create a new expense report for KU0022 and Submit.
3. Logout as EXA2 and login as approver EXS1 (the Expense Report HR Supervisor).
4. Click on the Approvals Tile on the Employee Self-Service Fluid Homepage. Make sure that the expense report is routed to EXS1
5. Navigate to delegation request (Enterprise Components–Delegation–Create Delegation Request). Create a delegation request from EXS1 to MGR1. Make sure the delegation dates include the expense report date.
6. Navigate to verify delegation (Enterprise Components–Delegation–My Delegates). Verify the submitted delegation request.
7. Logout as EXS1 and login as delegate MGR1 (the Expense Report Manager).
8. Navigate to delegate authorities (Enterprise Components–Delegation–My Delegated Authorities). Accept the delegation created by EXS1.
9. Logout as MGR1 and login as EXA2.
10.Verify the expense report that is submitted to MGR1 (Home–Employee Self Service–Expenses–My Expense Reports).
11.Logout as EXA2 and login as MGR1.
12.Navigation to approvals. Click on Approvals Tile. Click on the Expense Report. Approve the Expense Report
13.Logout as MGR1 and login as EXA2.
14.Navigate to expense reports (Home–Employee Self Service–Expenses–My Expense Reports). Click on My Expense Reports. Expense report is stuck in approval process and shows waiting for approval from EXA2.
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In this Document
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Cause |
Solution |
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