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Student Service Center Does Not Display Service Indicators Unless Service Indicator Start Date is Populated When Using Hold Filters (Doc ID 2875435.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 25, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise CS Campus Community - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When clicking on Student Service Center >  Holds >  Details  page  and filtering on Institution, Department or Term Only those service indicator holds with a  SRVC_IND_ACTIVE_DT in PS_SRVC_IND_DATA  with display.

If the Start Date of the service indicator is null as might be the case when Start Term is populated,  the service indicator detail does  not display  the service indicator when using the filtering options.

Steps to replicate:

1. Assign a student a service indicator with a DATE based impact, populating the Start Date (SRVC_IND_ACTIVE_DT in PS_SRVC_IND_DATA)
2. Assign a student a service indicator with a TERM based impact, populating the Start Term (SRVC_IND_ACT_TERM in PS_SRVC_IND_DATA)
3. Log into Student Service Center and view the student.
4. Notice the HOLDS on the right and click on the DETAILS link for the HOLDS.
5. Filter on Institution, or department and notice you only see the Service Indicators that have a Start Date Populated.
6. Filter on term and notice you see NO service indicators/impacts at all.




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