Item Type that was Never Authorized or Disbursed Has Those Fields Populated on STDNT_AWARD_DISB, as Reflected in Award Disbursement Detail and Award Term Summary
(Doc ID 2875503.1)
Last updated on JANUARY 25, 2024
Applies to:
PeopleSoft Enterprise CS Financial Aid - Version 9.2 and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
An item type that was never authorized or disbursed - and in fact is set up with Disbursement Method of 'No' in the Financial Aid Item Type setup - has the authorized and disbursed amounts populated. These amounts can be seen when querying the STDNT_AWRD_DISB table, and the AUTHORIZED_BALANCE and DISBURSED_BALANCE fields; or by viewing the Award Disbursement Detail link on the Assign Awards to Students page, or the Award Term Summary tab of the View Term Award Summary component.
The unexpected amounts populated match the same amounts from another item type on the student's award, for the same disbursement id.
The same wrong amounts are not populated on the STDNT_AWARDS table (or any other tables), and therefore are not seen on other pages like Award Summary or Award Activity. The issue is very sporadic and unpredictable, and is likely will only be seen in a single case or very small number.
What causes this problem, how can it be prevented, and how should any current bad data be fixed?
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