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Duplicate Application Program Data Rows Created When There's a Row of Data in the File that Mismatch the Data in the System (Doc ID 2876680.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 25, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise CS Recruiting and Admissions - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When updating program action reasons in bulk via External File Upload, if there is data in the file that mismatches (i.e. career on the application is UGRD and the file indicates GRAD or if there an erroneous application number
in the file) the duplicate row is created on the previous row/student within that file.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Create a few (at least 3) identical applications for three(3) different EMPLIDs via Student Admissions > Application Entry > Add Application
  2. Create a csv file with 4 fields (EMPLID, Institution, Career, and Application Number)
  3. Put in the values for the applications created in Step # 1 in the csv file and save
  4. Navigate to Student Admissions > Processsing Applications > Update Applications > Update Program Action/Reason
  5. Create a new Run Control
  6. Make sure Selection Tool = External File
  7. Upload the csv file created in step # 2
  8. Create a File Mapping
  9. Click Apply or OK button
  10. Click Preview Selection Results link -- is should show the contents of the uploaded file

    REMEMBER: The second (2nd) row is the incorrect one since it’s Career is GRAD
    in the file but it is UGRD in the system.
  11. Fill in the Program Action - Action Reason section (e.g. DENY)
  12. Click Run
  13. Check the applications updated starting from the first one
    NOTICE: There are 3 Program Data rows on the first EMPLID
  14. Click View ALL
    ISSUE: Duplicate DENY rows created/added for the application of the EMPLID.

    This issue is not specific to a DENY program action but affects all Program
    Actions.  And it happens only when there’s a row of data in the csv file that
    does not match what’s in the system, just like the second row it shows “GRAD”
    but in the system it is “UGRD”.
  15.  Check the 2nd application.
  16.  No added Deny row. This is ok.
  17.  Check the 3rd application. A Deny row is added which is good. 




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