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Direct Loan Borrower Citizenship (LOAN_ORIGNATN.BORR_CTZNSHP_STAT) Cannot be Updated in Batch with Population Update (Doc ID 2883711.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 25, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise CS Financial Aid - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When attempting to run Population Update to perform a batch update of Borrower Citizenship on originated Direct Loans (LOAN_ORIGNATN.BORR_CTZNSHP_STAT), there is found to be no way to perform the update. The student citizenship value (CITIZENSHIP_STATUS) is the only field available for use with Pop Update, and a change in that field does not automatically create the same change in BORR_CTZNSHP_STAT.

On-line help describes how the functionality is supposed to work:  "Override Borrower Citizenship can be updated using Population Update for Stafford and GRAD PLUS loans. Population Update can also update the 'student' citizenship field for a DL PLUS parent application." Based on that, it's expected that either BORR_CTZNSHP_STAT should also be available to update; or an update to CITIZENSHIP_STATUS should also automatically update BORR_CTZNSHP_STAT.

The issue may pertain most often to GRAD PLUS loans.

The issue can be reproduced with the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Campus Community > Personal Information > Identification > Citizenship > Citizenship and Passport, for a Graduate or Professional Career student (someone eligible for GRAD PLUS).
  2. Set Citizenship Status field to a value other than Native, Naturalized, or Alien Permanent; or set the country to a value other than US; or just confirm the values for a student already updated in this manner.
  3. Navigate to Financial Aid > Awards > Award Processing > Assign Awards to a Student > Student Aid Package and award the student a GRAD PLUS item type.
  4. Navigate to Financial Aid > Loans > Process Loans > Loan Origination and run the process to originate the loan for the student.
  5. Navigate to Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management > Manage Direct Loan Application > Application Bio/Demo and confirm the citizenship values that originated for both borrower and student (values should be the same).
  6. Navigate to Financial Aid > File Management > COD Full Participant > Generate Direct Loan Data > Direct Loan Outbound and run the process for Originations and 'Validate Only' checked.
  7. Navigate to Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management > View Loan Processing Actions > Direct Loan Orig Actions and note the 'Failed Rule' action status; click 'Msg' link to verify the loan failed validation due to both DLOVL008 - 'Student is not eligible (Citizenship Status)' ; and DLOVL030 - 'Borrower is not eligible (Citizenship Status)'.
  8. Navigate to Set Up SACR > System Administration > Utilities > Population Update > Population Update Setup > Population Update Setup, and choose record LOAN_ORIGNATN.
  9. In the dropdown list for Field Name, choose CITIZENSHIP_STATUS and save. Note that there was no option to choose BORR_CTZNSHP_STAT.
  10. Navigate to Set Up SACR > System Administration > Utilities > Population Update > Population Update Process > Population Selection Update. Choose the LOAN_ORIGNATN table, a Population Select query that will select the student, field value of 1, and run the process.
  11.  Repeat steps 5-7 to verify that only the student citizenship value was updated on the page, and while the DLOVL008 edit no longer shows, validation still fails with edit DLOVL030. 






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