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Aid Year 2023-2024 Calculated FM EFC Differs From Delivered CPS Primary EFC By $1 in Small Number of Cases (Doc ID 2904958.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 25, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise CS Financial Aid - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


The Java FM EFC calculator, in use starting with Aid Year 2023-2024, is producing results in a small number of cases that are $1 different from the primary EFC calculated by the CPS, based on the same ISIR data with no corrections or changes. 

It's expected that the FM calculator should be calculating identically to the CPS in every case, and that is happening in most cases. In one reported instance, 4 mismatched EFC's were identified, out of almost 7000 loaded ISIRs.

This issue is new and different from the previously documented issue referenced in <Note 2414529.1> - FM INAS EFC <> CPS EFC - regarding the occasional previously noted differences in the FM EFC as calculated by INAS compared to the CPS EFC, in Aid Years 2022-2023 and earlier.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

  1. Load ISIRs for Aid Year 2024, via Financial Aid > File Management > Import Federal Data Files > FA Inbound then Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Import > Process ISIRs > ISIR File Load.
  2. If not already calculated at time of load, calculate the FM EFC's via Financial Aid > File Management > Mass EFC Calculation.
  3. Review the table data to compare and identify any differences between the primary EFC originally delivered by CPS against the primary/prorated EFC derived by the FM Calculator.


The issue is seen after applying the 2023-2024 AID YEAR UPDATES FOR ISIR, delivered originally in (PRP) Patch 33234548 and now in the CS 9.2 PUM Image starting with Image 27. 


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