SFP: Courses Appearing As Withdrawn During Add/Drop Period In SAFI
(Doc ID 2927822.1)
Last updated on JANUARY 25, 2024
Applies to:
PeopleSoft Enterprise CS Campus Community - Version 9.2 and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
Course shown as dropped in CS which ended 2022-09-07. Course shown as withdrawn in SFP and SAFI which causes changes in the students’ SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress). Not all courses the student dropped were seen as withdrawn. Four out of the five were withdrawn. The one that wasn’t withdrawn was dropped on the first day of classes. The others were dropped after, but before the end of add/drop.
SAP Pace of Completion fails for 23 students in their first semester.
The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Course 2556 for fall term added via quick-enroll in CS on 08/24/2022 2:07:16PM
2. Same course dropped prior to the end of add/drop with no overrides 09/07/2022 10:41:12AM
3. In CS course is seen as dropped.
4. Push SAFI and course is Withdrawn.
5. SAP runs and sees attempted course as not completed
6. Enough courses ‘withdrawn’ that student fails pace of completion
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