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Maintain Term Budgets Search Component Returns 'No matching values were found' for an Emplid Expected to Appear in Results or Open on the Component, Including Cases When the Existing Budget Was Already Previously Assigned for the Aid Year (Doc ID 2928231.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 25, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise CS Financial Aid - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When attempting to access the Maintain Term Budgets search component for some students, the component does not immediately open or return the student in search. Instead, the message 'No matching values were found.' displays on the page.

This issue is most commonly experienced for students that were already previously budgeted for at least one term in the aid year, and the existing budget record needs to be updated. However, the issue can also occur for students never previously budgeted.

The component is expected to be accessible for all students with at least one financial aid term row built and active for the same aid year, and especially when the students have one or more existing term budgets already assigned  for the aid year.

The issue does not usually occur for a large number of students but only a few. One common observed factor is a crossover term where the aid year on financial aid term may have changed - such as for Pell crossover processing or if the student is active under two careers and the term is treated differently (header vs trailer) between the two careers.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Financial Aid > Financial Aid Term > Maintain Student FA Term > FA Term and build the student for an aid year (e.g. 2023) that includes all academic terms plus a trailing non-standard term. If necessary, manually set the aid year on the trailing term.
  2. Build budgets for all three terms using the preferred method - batch, Create Student Budget, or manually assigning on Financial Aid > Budgets > Maintain Term Budgets > Student Budget Maintenance. Note that the component can be accessed both before and after completing the budget assignments.
  3. Back on FA Term, rebuild the summer term under the NEXT Aid year (e.g. 2024 instead of 2023), or just manually update the aid year on the term after manually inserting a NEW effective dated row.
  4. Go back to Student Budget Maintenance and note after searching on the emplid the page now displays 'No matching values were found.' and the record can no longer be accessed.




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