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EPC 9.2 : When Cost Collection Purchasing Adj Is Run With Partial Commitment Transaction Adjustment, PC_POADJUST Process ABENDED at Step PC_POADJUST.PR_INS.COPY_DE2 (Action SQL) -- RC = 805 (Doc ID 2929506.1)

Last updated on MARCH 30, 2023

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise FIN Project Costing - Version 9.2 to 9.2 [Release 9]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When cost collection purchasing adj is run with partial commitment transaction adjustment, the PC_POADJUST process abends with the following error message.


Replication Steps:

  1. Installation Options for Project Costing shows the PO Reversal as "ACT Amount".
  2. Create a new project and 2 activities.
  3. Create a PO - $850. Assign the project/activity.
  4. Create a voucher - $320. Copy from PO and change the amount to $320.
  5. Run PC_PO_TO_PC, PC_AP_TO_PC and PC_POADJUST. COM/ACT/CRV rows are created. (Navigation: Project Costing > Cost Collection > Cost Collection Purchasing, Cost Collection Payables, Cost Collection Purchasing Adj processes respectively)
  6. Do transaction adjustments to transfer $320.13 COM to the new activity.
  7. Do transaction adjustments to transfer $320.13 ACT to the new activity with chart field change.
  8. Close the PO.
  9. Run the PC_POADJUST and the process goes to success and a CCA row gets generated. (Navigation: Project Costing > Cost Collection > Cost Collection Purchasing Adj processes)
  10. Run the PC_POADJUST again and the process abends with the above error in the message log and traces. (Navigation: Project Costing > Cost Collection > Cost Collection Purchasing Adj processes) 


Demo Replication



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