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ETL92: ESS Payable Time Tile - Estimated Gross Display (Doc ID 2958754.1)

Last updated on JULY 23, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM Time and Labor - Version 9.2 to 9.2 [Release 9]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


If employee is hired in the middle of the pay period, after the next pay period the prior period payable time tile is showing up with estimated gross of zero on the ESS Payable Time tile when Time Reporting Template is configured with Estimated Pay set to Hide in Timesheet and Payable Time is set to Show Section.

For the same scenario an employee hired at the beginning of the pay period, does not show the Estimated Gross label or value. This is the behavior we would like to see for all employees.

We have reason to believe the difference in behavior for mid period employee is falling through logic in TL_DYN_TIMETILE_FL.GBL.PostBuild Component PeopleCode
Value of &sHideEstGross must still be the hardcoded default of SS instead of returning template because of startdt logic.

Steps to Recreate:
1. Hire an employee mid-period and create Manage Time Reporter data using same effective.
2. Hire an employee at the beginning of the period and create Manage Time Reporter data using same effective and put in same workgroup as previous employee.
3. Configure Time Reporting Template under Timesheet Controls section. Set Payable Time = Show Section and Estimated Pay = Hide on Timesheet.
4. Login as each new employee and navigate to ESS > Time tile. Note: Check to see if there is an Estimated Gross label and value for each employee.
5. Enter Time for the hire week for each employee and Submit.
6. Run Time Admin for both employees thru the end of the period for which the employees were hired.
7. Login as each new employee and navigate to ESS > Time tile. Note: Check to see if there is an Estimated Gross label and value for each employee.
8. Load time to Payroll and Calc and Confirm.
9. Now that the previous period has been processed, each employee logs in to check Payable Time Tile to see Last Time Period.
10. Note: When there are total hours > 0, the Estimate Gross 0 is shown. When employee sees this they assume they were not paid for the hours. Therefore, we prefer the Estimated Gross label and value not be shown at all to avoid confusion.


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