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How is SSF_PMTCHORG_VW. SSF_PMT_CHG_ALLOC Set to 'Y' to Allow Value to be Selected in Payment ID Nbr Field on Reallocate Corp Payment Page? (Doc ID 2961455.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 26, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise CS Student Financials - Version 9.2 to 9.2 [Release 9]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On Student Financials >  Charges and Payments > Reallocate Restricted Payments > Reallocate Corp Payment, clicking the magnifying glass prompt for the Payment ID Nbr field results in no matching values found. 

Further research determines that the view for the edit table is SSF_PMTCHORG_VW, and this view expects SSF_PMT_CHG_ALLOC field to be set to "Y". However, the value is set to 'N' by default, and it is not clear where in the system the field can be set to 'Y'. 

What are the specific steps or requirements that will set the SSF_PMTCHORG_VW.SSF_PMT_CHG_ALLOC field to 'Y' to allow the selection of the Payment ID Number? 


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