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Error "Getting Decimal Division By Zero Occurred" When Creating Purchase Order Sourced From Contract Having Different SETID than Item SETID. (Doc ID 2985268.1)

Last updated on NOVEMBER 09, 2023

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise SCM Purchasing - Version 9.2 to 9.2 [Release 9]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When a PO is created by copying a requisition with contract linked and contract has non default UOM selected for the item, below error shows up. Issue occurs due to Contract SETID being different than the Item SETID.

Decimal division by zero occurred. (180,109) PO_PNLS_WRK.COPY_CNTRCT_ID.SaveEdit Name:Check_Terms PCPC:31224 Statement:448
Called from:PO_PNLS_WRK.COPY_CNTRCT_ID.SaveEdit Statement:894

A division by zero occurred. Review the PeopleCode being executed to determine why the error occurred. Make sure that zero values are checked for and that appropriate error handling exists.

1. Setup an Item with two UOMs.
     Item > Define Items and Attributes > Define Item
2. Setup Purchasing Item Attributes with a Vendor/Supplier having two locations and different UOMs in both locations.
3. Create a Procurement Contract with a different SETID than Item SETID. Select the same vendor as above.
     Procurement Contracts > Add/Update Contracts
4. Enter the Item ID setup above and see default UOM is shown on contract line. Now click on Details icon.
5. Go to Pricing Information and select location with non default UOM.
6. Ensure Tableset control for Contract SETID and update 'FS_24'(Administer Contract) record group to same SETID as Contract SETID.
     PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > Maintain TableSet Controls
7. Create a requisition, with BU as per Contract SETID, for the same item and enter contract details. Ensure that the supplier has the location with non default UOM.
     Purchasing >  Requisitions > Add/Update Requisitions
8. Create a PO by copying the requisition and save the PO.
     Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Add/Update POs
9. See the above error.


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