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Federal Need Analysis Calculator (FM NAC) Not Using Budget Duration Updated on FM Extensions (INAS_FED_EXT). (Doc ID 2991688.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 25, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise CS Financial Aid - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


A population of students has the Budget Durations field updated on the FM Extensions record (INAS_FED_EXT table), either by Population Update or manually. For example, the Budget Duration could be updated from the normal value of 9 to a lower value such as 5 for students who are only attending in one term.

When these students are subsequently processed by the Federal Need Analysis calculator (FM NAC), only some of the students are found to have had the EFC calculated as expected using the new updated Budget Duration value; while the remaining students are found to have been calculated still using the Budget Duration of 9 (or whatever the original value was), with the result that the calculated EFC does not end up prorated or adjusted to the expected amount. 

The issue can be reproduced with the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Financial Aid > File Management > Mass EFC Calculation and run the process. 
  2. Query to identify records where the INAS_FED_EXT.BUDGET_DURATION and/or BUDGET_DURATION_A field is something other than 9 (but not 0). 
  3. In the query, add a join to STDNT_AWD_PER where the AWARD_PERIOD = 'A' and BDGT_DURATION_FED is not equal to the INAS_FED_EXT value. 
  4. For any individual emplid returned by the query, verify the results on Financial Aid > Federal Application Data > Correct 2023-2024 ISIR records. Click the 'FM' link on any tab then the 'Budget Durations' link to verify the field(s) is showing the expected updated value, but note on the EFC\DB Matches\Corr tab the Prorated EFC is not showing the correct/expected value. 




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