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Graduation Tracking "Load Selection" Link Only Loads 299 Results (Doc ID 2997029.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 25, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise CS Student Administration - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


The Graduation Processing batch process is used to take the Graduation Review Status on the Graduation tracking page to update the program plan stack and degree via Pop/Select and a Query.

In order to add Distinction and first class honours, the "load selection results" must be used on the run control, and "update degree values" populated. If the number of rows in the selection results is greater than 299, all students selected will be awarded the degree, but only 299 receive the distinction status referenced on the run control.

The expectation is all students selected should have their degree, and distinction granted by the process.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

  1.  Navigate to Record and Enrolment, Graduation, Graduation Processing;
  2.  Select a run control;
  3.  Populate the run control with a query in the Population Selection Group box;
  4.  Click the Load Selection Results button and note only 299 students are loaded;
  5.  Click the Update Degree Values and enter Degree Honors 1 = Distinct;
  6.  Submit the process to the process scheduler;
  7.  Run the query used on the population selection again, and note only 299 have the distinction posted to their degree.




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