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Multiple Errors After Application Of FA PRP And POC -Remote program FAPBUDRC failed with reason: ZM000-LOG-MESSAGE (Doc ID 3000208.1)

Last updated on APRIL 17, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise CS Financial Aid - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


There are multiple issue occurring after applying the FA  PRP/POC:

1) Create student budget page - when we add a term for a student and click the build button, I can see a row getting added to the STDNT_BDGT_MSG table, however, all the data is off by a few places. The first 3 of the emplid are missing, and the first 3 letters of the institution are showing up in that field, then the institution field has the last two of our institution along with the first 3 of the term, etc. etc. Nothing happens on the page, and if you click the button again receive an error message.  The error was  tracked down to a unique constraint error on the STDNT_BDGT_MSG table -

Remote program FAPBUDRC failed with reason: ZM000-LOG-MESSAGE (I-BGTMSG). Check log file:
M:\pshome_test\cstest\appserv\apptst1\LOGS\FAPBUDRC_ATPARET_0117145952.out in App Server for more info.
Check log file: M:\pshome_test\cstest\appserv\apptst1\LOGS\FAPBUDRC_ATPARET_0117145952.out in App
Server for more info (2,-1) DERIVED_SA.STDNT_CALC_BGT_PB.FieldChange PCPC:423 Statement:6

2) Update need summary button on maintain budget page - clicking this button throws an error, it's not descriptive - says to check a log.
3) Retrieve packaging plan button on the Assign awards to student page when clicked, results in a long wait, and then a timeout message after 290 seconds.
4) Calc EFC button in 23-24 ISIR correction page is working, but sometimes dropping EFC to zero and changing values on the EFC page to say No Calc (Primary EFC and the Calculated PC, TSC, and Prorated EFC).


 Applied FA PRP's and POC's


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