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E-QRY: Query Drilling URL of Query Type With Multiple Prompts Doesn't Pass Value Of Expression Field (Doc ID 3004632.1)

Last updated on APRIL 15, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise PT PeopleTools - Version 8.59 to 8.61 [Release 8.4]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Query drilling URL for type Query gets generated incorrectly when the Query drilling URL has multiple prompts and one is an Expression. When the URL is generated in this scenario the expression field name is passed instead of the field name being replaced with the field value, so no results get returned.

The issue can be reproduced with the following steps:
1. Navigate to Query Manager and create a new query on the JRNL_LN record. To keep it simple, select all the fields.
2. Add a Criteria for LINE_DESCR making it equal to a new prompt.
3. Save the query
4. Return to search and create a new query on GL_ACCOUNT_TBL. Select some fields, be sure to include the DESCR field.
5. Add an Expression. It should be a Character type length of 30 and be set to the DESCR field. Use this expression as a field. I have another SR open for an issue with ampersand values not passing correctly to a drilldown query. Creating an expression to replace the ampersand was the suggested work around, but in testing that I found this other issue.
6. Add another Expression. It should be a Drilling URL type. Select Query URL and have it go to the query created in Steps 1-3. The URL Keys should map LINE_DESCR to the expression created in the previous step.
7. Add a Criteria for ACCOUNT. Set it equal to 616100.
8. Save the Query
9. Run the Query and click on the link with the expression value of “Benefits - Post-Tax”
10. Notice in the URL of the new window for the drilldown query, the value of the expression field in the previous query is included. This is the expected behavior.
11. Go back to edit the drilldown query and add a new criteria for ACCOUNT set equal to a new prompt.
12. Save the changes.
13. Pull up the second query created to edit the drilldown query expression. Refresh the Prompt Keys and reassign the LINE_DESCR to the existing expression. Also assign ACCOUNT to the ACCOUNT field.
14. Save the query and run. As before click on the link with the expression value of “Benefits - Post-Tax”
15. Now notice how the value of the expression field is not in the URL. Instead it’s the unique field name.


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