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EPY: PAYGL02 and reversals (Doc ID 620076.1)

Last updated on APRIL 11, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM Payroll for North America - Version 8 SP1 to 9.2 [Release 8 to 9]
Information in this document applies to any platform.

This document was previously published as Customer Connection Solution 200753174



Commitment accounting for payroll was run without incident, followed by the Pay to GL interface. Received an error for one paycheck, which reads somewhat as follows:

No earnings found for paycheck #9999
Gross Earnings: $999     Distributed earnings: 0.00

Deduction distribution does not match Employer deductions:
Distribution: $0.00    Gross deductions: $999

Tax Distribution does not match employer taxes:
Distribution: $0.00    Gross taxes: $999

This was an off cycle check, which was a reversal of another off cycle.  These checks were issued and reversed under different run ids and distributed separately.



The earning code causing the issue is 'AAA' where the attributes changed effective January 1, 2014. 'AAA' earnings were paid for a pay period prior to the attribute changes and 'JBA' earnings paid to a pay period with the new attributes on the same pay cheque.  The earnings are being paid as expected but there is an issue with the paygl02 process failing. 

The PAYGL02 failed  with the following errors:
ERROR-Earnings on Paycheck do not match earnings distribution for PAYCHECK_NBR   10374902
         Gross Pay: $   1951.22  Earnings Distribution: $   2199.48




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