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Primary Jobs Process When All Jobs Linked to Benefit Record are Terminated (Doc ID 622347.1)

Last updated on JUNE 09, 2023

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM Human Resources - Version 8.8 SP1 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Primary Job Indicator Flag, from the Primary_Jobs table, is not being set to "Y" when the following conditions exist:
A concurrent job is being added and the employee's previous jobs have been terminated, the primary job indicator flag is not being set to "Y".  In reviewing the peoplecode:  Funclib_Ben.Primary_Job_Ind.Fieldformula, the process only checks to see if a primary indicator flag was ever enabled for a given benefit record.  If the benefit record number already exists and a primary job indicator flag is set to 'Y', the new concurrent job's primary indicator flag is never checked to 'Y'.


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