E-REN: How to Install or Renew a Digital Certificate for REN SSL for PeopleTools 8.48 to 8.52
(Doc ID 790114.1)
Last updated on JULY 22, 2024
Applies to:
PeopleSoft Enterprise PT PeopleTools - Version 8.48 to 8.52 [Release 8.4]Information in this document applies to any platform.
It is necessary for the REN server to use https protocol if you are logging into the PeopleSoft application using https. In other words, the PeopleSoft login url and REN browser url must use the same protocol.
There are two ways to configure the REN server to use SSL:
1. Install SSL on the REN server
2. Redirect REN requests to a proxy server or load balancer that has SSL installed.
This knowledge document covers option 1: Install SSL on the REN server.
Please note the following:
- If using PeopleTools 8.53 or newer release, refer to the following document: Document#1604719.1: How to Install/Renew SSL Certificate on REN Server for PeopleTools 8.53
- If your REN server is on an AIX platform using PeopleTools 8.51 or lower, you cannot install a SSL certificate on the REN server. Instead you must redirect REN requests to a proxy server or load balancer that has SSL installed (Refer to the following knowledge document: Document# 664220.1: Built-in SSL does not work in REN Server on AIX for PeopleTools 8.44-8.51
- For PeopleTools 8.52 and lower versions, there is not a way to import an existing certificate into the REN server. Therefore, you must create the certificate request from within PeopleSoft, for each REN server.
- Refer to the following document for additional information regarding REN SSL: Document 1180032.1: Primary Note for REN Server
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