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Error "SBL-DAT-00541" "SBL-EAI-04451" When invoking Upsert method using Anonymous Webservice Authentication (Doc ID 1424115.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 15, 2024

Applies to:

Siebel CRM - Version [21225] and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.Symptoms

Siebel version :- SIA [21225]
Microsoft Windows (32-bit)

Issue :-
An error occurs while invoking Upsert method of  EAI Siebel Adapter . Anonymous authentication for web services are being used. There are two EAI Object Managers -one authenticated by custom adapter (LDAP), and another DB authenticated.

All AnonWebservices requests are routed to the DB authenticated EAI Object Manager via /eai_anon_enu.

The same setup on the same siebel server/EAI Object Manager is working successfully for other anonymous web service interfaces but fails only while inserting Campaign and Expenses

Error :-

Method 'WriteRecord' of business component 'CITI DC Expense' (integration component 'CITI DC Expense') for record with search specification '[CITI Expense Type] = "Postage"' returned the following error:"You are not able to login to the database using the database credentials assigned to you. There may be a problem with the data source you are attempting to log into, or the credentials may be invalid for the data source.
Please contact your system administrator. (SBL-DAT-00541)"(SBL-EAI-04451)



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