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Change The Font Type and Size In Reply Email Or F9 With Siebel Email Client Sporadically Do Not Work As Expect and The Font Type and Size Does Not Reflect The Change. (Doc ID 2422983.1)

Last updated on JUNE 11, 2024

Applies to:

Siebel CRM - Version 15.18 [IP2015] to 18.5 [Release V15 to V17]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On : 15.8 [IP2015] version, Comms Server & Email Response

After upgrade from Siebel HI mode to Sibel 15.8 OpenUI mode, the Siebel User notice that sporadically when they reply to an inbound email message in Communication Detail - Response View, after the user select a template and type some text in the email body and change the font size of the whole email body to make sure the whole message show the same font type and size, the email received by the recipient show a different font type and size ONLY for the test typed.

This can not reproduce all the time and happens when using HTML email where you can select the Font type and size.

When the font size is set for the whole email body we expect all text to show the same font type size selected when the recipient receives the email body.

The issue can NOT be reproduced at will, but when it happens the following steps are usually:
1. Select a inbound email message in Site Map>Communications screen
2. Click Reply button
3. The users is redirected to Communication Detail - Response View
4. The user selects a email template.
5. The user type few more text in the email body.
6. The use than select the whole email body and reset the font size.
7. After that click on Send button.
8. When the email is received by the recipient JUST text typed show a different font size.


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