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Server Job Status Remains Queued (SBL-SRM-05302) (Doc ID 2498387.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 07, 2023

Applies to:

Siebel Call Center - Version [IP2013] and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


The Server Job Status remains 'Queued'.
Users are trying to run a Siebel Job ( Workflow Process Manager) on the Server; however, the status remains  'Queued' and does not process.

When requests are made to the EAI Object Manager, the following error message displays:
SBL-SRM-05302: Response is unable to find the matching request.

Logs also capture the following:
SBL-EXL-00119: A script failed to get the value for field Status because the field was not active.


1. Create Job:

  1. Go to Administration - Server Management > Jobs.
  2. Enter values for job.
  3. Submit job.

2. Check Status:

  1. Go to Administration - Server Management > Jobs.
  2. Execute Query.
  3. Observe the following

            Component Job                       Status

           Workflow Process Manager      Queued


Result:  Execution does not proceed.




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