Member Tier Points Are Not Resetting To Zero During Upgrade/Downgrade Tier Process Using 1st Day of Month Tier Assessment Model
(Doc ID 2800307.1)
Last updated on AUGUST 30, 2024
Applies to:
Siebel Loyalty Manager - Version 20.6 and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
Member tier points are not resetting to 0 when tier is upgraded or downgraded
The issue can be reproduced with the following steps:
1) Create a loyalty program and tier point type , partners
2) Create point type qualifying points and assign points to member
3) Setup Tier class as per below settings -
Tier Class Name: Tier Class
Start Qual Period: 1st Day of Month
Restart Qual Period: Qualifying Period Expiration
Assessment Day: 1
Recurring period: Monthly
Qual Period Length : 1
Qual Period UoM : Months
Create three tier - Base , Silver
At the Tier level do the bellow setting
Qual Period Length : 1
Qual Period UoM : Months
Requal Period Length : 1
Requal Period UoM : Months
Qual Point Expiration : 1
Qual Point Expiration UoM: Months
4) Create a member which will assign base tier to member
5) Create tier promotion to upgrade tier without any criteria - Action upgrade tier >> silver and activate promotion
6) Create a transaction to assign QF to member using assign point- Action in Accrual promotion
7) Click on Process Tier Change Button >> Member -> Active Tier tab
8) It will create new record with silver tier and start , end date will be populated and point will remain same.
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