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Crash At Logout After Product Validation In Configurator (Doc ID 2818453.1)

Last updated on AUGUST 14, 2023

Applies to:

Siebel CRM - Version 20.8 to 21.9 [Release V17]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


It was reported in version 20.8 that after validating a product and closing the configurator, a crash occurs when logging out from siebel application.

The issue was reproduced internally in 21.6 version with the following steps:

  1.  Navigate to Administration Product -> Classes  and create a class with an attribute as below:
    Name: Country
    Attribute Definition: Text

    In Properties create the below items:

    Name: PickMap01
    Value: <PickMap Field="Country" PickField="Value" Constrain="N" />

    Name: PickApplet
    Value: TM Country Pick Applet

    Name: PickList
    Value: PickList Country

  2.  Navigate to Administration - Product > Products, and create a new product based on the class.
  3.  Navigate to Product Definitions > Versions > click on Workspace >Attributes > Product Category Attributes.
  4.  Validate the product, then open Pick Country Applet > will show all Country LOVs > navigate to last record > OK > close pick applet (click on Done button).
  5.  Logout and the crash occurs (server busy).

    Call stack of the crash:





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