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Significant Execution Time Added By DBCheck Step Whenever IRR Migration Job Includes Schema Changes (Doc ID 3005400.1)

Last updated on JUNE 06, 2024

Applies to:

Siebel CRM - Version 23.4 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Whenever new schema changes are migrated through IRR (Incremental Runtime Repository) migration the DBCheck step will execute the dbchck back-end utility.

In certain situations, the dbchck process can run couple of hours to compare the physical definition of database against the logical definition from Siebel Repository.

The DBCheck execution time is mostly influenced by the performance of database and the amount of schema changes.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

1. Perform new schema changes in Development environment

2. Execute an Incremental Runtime Repository migration plan on Siebel Migration Application (SMA)

3. Wait for the migration plan completion

4. For DBCheck step verify the overall execution time (start time and end time) in SMA or query in dbcheck log from $Siebel_File_System\migration\<migration id>\log\dbcheck_<id>.log


Perform new schema changes in Development environment and migrate them using incremental migration plan in Siebel Migration Application.


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