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LDAP Authentication Error SBL-SEC-10018 (Doc ID 545369.1)

Last updated on APRIL 18, 2023

Applies to:

Siebel System Software - Version 7.7.1 [18306] to 8.2.2 SIA[22320] [Release V7 to V8]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows 2000
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: 7.7.1 [18306]
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server
Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1802540571.




The system goes down apparently at random - When a user tries to conenct - the security adapter log shows (debug set to 5)-

2021 2005-03-01 09:40:51 2005-03-01 09:40:51 +0000 00000021 001 003f 0001 09 eServiceObjMgr_enu 24648 2156 3104 F:\sea77\siebsrvr\log\eServiceObjMgr_enu_24648.log 7.7.1 [18306] ENU

SecMgrLog    Debug    5    0    2005-03-01 09:40:51    stored CRC = 'bff9b88f'

SecMgrLog    Debug    5    0    2005-03-01 09:40:51    computed CRC = 'bff9b88f'

SecMgrLog    Debug    5    0    2005-03-01 09:40:51    SecAdptName = LDAPSecAdpt

SecMgrLog    Debug    5    0    2005-03-01 09:40:51    SecAdptMode = 1

SecMgrLog    Debug    5    0    2005-03-01 09:40:51    SecAdptDllName = sscfldap

SecMgrLog    Debug    5    0    2005-03-01 09:40:51    PropagteChange = TRUE

SecMgrLog    Debug    5    0    2005-03-01 09:40:51    computed checksum of security adapter library = 'bff9b88f'

SecMgrLog    Debug    5    0    2005-03-01 09:40:51    HashUserPwd = FALSE

SecMgrLog    Debug    5    0    2005-03-01 09:40:51    HashDBPwd = FALSE

SecMgrLog    Debug    5    0    2005-03-01 09:40:51    HashAlgorithm = RSASHA1

SecMgrLog    Debug    5    0    2005-03-01 09:40:51    bMFCShell = TRUE

SecMgrLog    Debug    5    0    2005-03-01 09:40:51    credentialsattributetype = mail

SecMgrLog    Debug    5    0    2005-03-01 09:40:51    applicationuser = cn=appuser, ou=people, o=xxxx, c=uk

SecMgrLog    Debug    5    0    2005-03-01 09:40:51    singlesignon = FALSE

SecMgrLog    Debug    5    0    2005-03-01 09:40:51    ssldatabase =

SecMgrLog    Debug    5    0    2005-03-01 09:40:51    port = 389

SecMgrLog    Debug    5    0    2005-03-01 09:40:51    servername = mxxxxxx

SecMgrLog    Debug    5    0    2005-03-01 09:40:51    usernameattributetype = uid

SecMgrLog    Debug    5    0    2005-03-01 09:40:51    basedn = ou=people, o=xxxx, c=uk

SecMgrLog    Debug    5    0    2005-03-01 09:40:51    useadapterusername = FALSE

SecMgrLog    Debug    5    0    2005-03-01 09:40:51    applicationpassword = xxxxx

SecMgrLog    Debug    5    0    2005-03-01 09:40:51    sharedcredentialsdn = cn=guestcst, ou=people, o=xxxxx, c=uk

SecMgrLog    Debug    5    0    2005-03-01 09:40:51    passwordattributetype = userPassword

SecAdptLog    API Trace    4    0    2005-03-...




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