SPARC T5-2 Power Supply SPT-8000-MJ Faults Triggered By V_OUT_OK (V_IN_INFO) De-asserted Events
(Doc ID 2092329.1)
Last updated on MAY 09, 2023
Applies to:
SPARC T5-2 - Version All Versions to All Versions [Release All Releases]Information in this document applies to any platform.
This document only applies to Power One (or Bell Power) power supplies. It does NOT apply to ASTEC power supplies.
Impacted PSUs:
7060596 Power One/Bel Power A239E
7081064 Power One/Bel Power A239A
Power One (or Bell Power) A239E and A239A PSUs installed in SPARC T5-2 systems may report a temporary interruption to supply fed to the chassis, triggering a SPT-8000-MJ fault. In this specific scenario there is no indication of loss of inlet power to the supply itself, and sensor readings report normal operation is resumed within 20 seconds.
Please note that there is no evidence of a genuine interruption to power supplied by the PSU, and this is a sensor reporting issue.
The first indication of a problem occurs when the SP reports a fault on one of the power supplies, as indicated in the ILOM event logs:
295 Sun Dec 13 14:34:30 2015 Fault Fault critical
Fault detected at time = Sun Dec 13 14:34:30 2015. The suspect
component: /SYS/PS1 has with probability=100.
Refer to for details.
Use the Service Process Fault Management shell to confirm the fault was triggered by V_OUT_OK being de-asserted with a recovery occurring within 20 seconds;
-> start /SP/faultmgmt/shell
Are you sure you want to start /SP/faultmgmt/shell (y/n)? y
faultmgmtsp> fmdump -v
2015-12-13/14:34:30 <UUID> SPT-8000-MJ
certainty = 100.0 %
resource = /SYS/PS1
faultmgmtsp> fmdump -Vu <UUID>
2015-12-13/14:34:30 <UUID> SPT-8000-MJ
timestamp ereports
2015-12-13/14:34:20 ereport.psu.ok-deasserted@/sys/ps1
fault =
certainty = 100.0 %
resource = /SYS/PS1
_list_sz = 1
_list_idx = 0
_diagnosis_engine_version = 1.0
_diagnosis_engine_name = fdd
system_serial_number = <Serial_Number>
system_part_number = 33153483+1+1
system_name = SPARC T5-2
system_manufacturer = Oracle Corporation
chassis_serial_number = <Serial_Number>
chassis_part_number = 33153483+1+1
chassis_name = SPARC T5-2
chassis_manufacturer = Oracle Corporation
system_component_serial_number = <Serial_Number>
system_component_part_number = 33153483+1+1
system_component_name = SPARC T5-2
system_component_manufacturer = Oracle Corporation
fru_name = PSU
fru_manufacturer = Power-One China,Gongming Town,Guangming District,518132 Shenzhen
fru_serial_number = <Serial_Number>
fru_rev_level = 01
fru_part_number = 7060596
detector = /SYS/PS1/V_OUT_OK <<<
[skipped fruid update]
faultmgmtsp> fmdump -e
2015-12-13/14:34:20 ereport.psu.ok-deasserted@/SYS/PS1
2015-12-13/14:34:31 ereport.psu.ok-asserted@/SYS/PS1 <<<
OR as in the case of V_IN_INFO,
58 | 07/03/2016 | 20:29:12 | Power Supply PS1/V_IN_INFO | State Asserted
59 | 07/03/2016 | 20:29:17 | Power Supply PS1/V_IN_INFO | State Deasserted
5a | 07/04/2016 | 17:26:23 | Power Supply PS0/V_IN_INFO | State Asserted
5b | 07/04/2016 | 17:26:28 | Power Supply PS0/V_IN_INFO | State Deasserted
Please note that SPT-8000-MJ is a generic fault classification that can also occur as a result of a genuine fault on the impacted power supply, such as loss inlet to the system or a component failure.
V_OUT remaining de-asserted without recovery within 20 seconds, or where there is evidence of V_IN errors, may be an indicator of a failing PSU or environmental issue. In this situation please contact Oracle Support for further assistance.
Impacted PSUs;
7060596 Power One/Bel Power A239E
7081064 Power One/Bel Power A239A
Note: ASTEC PS is NOT impacted!
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In this Document
Symptoms |
Changes |
Cause |
Solution |
References |