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Power Supply Failure Oracle Switch ES2-64 Showing Faulted in the ILOM output (Doc ID 2347300.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 01, 2022

Applies to:

Oracle Ethernet Switch ES2-64 - Version All Versions to All Versions [Release All Releases]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


The PS1 seems to be functioning normal, however ILOM output is still showing as Faulted and  front panel Fault LED is on.


         type = Power Supply
         ipmi_name = PS1
         fru_manufacturer = Delta Electronics
         fru_part_number = 7336220-01
         fru_serial_number = C97546
         fault_state = Faulted <-----------------------------------------
         clear_fault_action = (none)

         type = Power Unit
         ipmi_name = PS1/IN_POWER
         class = Threshold Sensor
         value = 112.094 Watts
         upper_nonrecov_threshold = N/A
         upper_critical_threshold = N/A
         upper_noncritical_threshold = N/A
         lower_noncritical_threshold = N/A
         lower_critical_threshold = N/A
         lower_nonrecov_threshold = N/A
         alarm_status = cleared

         type = Current
         ipmi_name = PS1/I_IN
         class = Threshold Sensor
         value = 0.500 Amps
         upper_nonrecov_threshold = N/A
         upper_critical_threshold = N/A
         upper_noncritical_threshold = N/A
         lower_noncritical_threshold = N/A
         lower_critical_threshold = N/A
         lower_nonrecov_threshold = N/A
         alarm_status = cleared

         type = Current
         ipmi_name = PS1/I_OUT
         class = Threshold Sensor
         value = 6.000 Amps
         upper_nonrecov_threshold = N/A
         upper_critical_threshold = N/A
         upper_noncritical_threshold = N/A
         lower_noncritical_threshold = N/A
         lower_critical_threshold = N/A
         lower_nonrecov_threshold = N/A
         alarm_status = cleared

         type = Power Unit
         ipmi_name = PS1/OUTPUT_POWER
         class = Threshold Sensor
         value = 72.000 Watts
         upper_nonrecov_threshold = N/A
         upper_critical_threshold = N/A
         upper_noncritical_threshold = N/A
         lower_noncritical_threshold = N/A
         lower_critical_threshold = N/A
         lower_nonrecov_threshold = N/A
         alarm_status = cleared

         type = Entity Presence
         ipmi_name = PS1/PRSNT
         class = Discrete Sensor
         value = Present
         alarm_status = cleared

         type = Power Supply
         ipmi_name = PS1/PWROK
         class = Discrete Sensor
         value = State Asserted
         alarm_status = cleared

         type = Voltage
         ipmi_name = PS1/V_IN
         class = Threshold Sensor
         value = 224.000 Volts
         upper_nonrecov_threshold = N/A
         upper_critical_threshold = N/A
         upper_noncritical_threshold = N/A
         lower_noncritical_threshold = N/A
         lower_critical_threshold = N/A
         lower_nonrecov_threshold = N/A
         alarm_status = cleared

         type = Voltage
         ipmi_name = PS1/V_OUT
         class = Threshold Sensor
         value = 12.000 Volts
         upper_nonrecov_threshold = N/A
         upper_critical_threshold = 14.000 Volts
         upper_noncritical_threshold = N/A
         lower_noncritical_threshold = N/A
         lower_critical_threshold = 10.000 Volts
         lower_nonrecov_threshold = N/A
         alarm_status = cleared


        ipmiint_sdr_list_all.out does not show any issue
PS0/IN_POWER     | 110 Watts         | ok
PS0/I_IN         | 0.50 Amps         | ok
PS0/I_OUT        | 6 Amps            | ok
PS0/OUTPUT_POWER | 70 Watts          | ok
PS0/PRSNT        | 0x02              | ok
PS0/PWROK        | 0x02              | ok
PS0/V_IN         | 222 Volts         | ok
PS0/V_OUT        | 12 Volts          | ok
PS1/IN_POWER     | 110 Watts         | ok
PS1/I_IN         | 0.50 Amps         | ok
PS1/I_OUT        | 6 Amps            | ok
PS1/OUTPUT_POWER | 70 Watts          | ok
PS1/PRSNT        | 0x02              | ok
PS1/PWROK        | 0x02              | ok
PS1/V_IN         | 224 Volts         | ok
PS1/V_OUT        | 12 Volts          | ok
PWRSTATE         | 0x02              | ok
SP/V_+1V0        | 1.01 Volts        | ok
SP/V_+1V5        | 1.51 Volts        | ok
SP/V_+1V8        | 1.80 Volts        | ok
SP/V_+3V3        | 3.39 Volts        | ok
/SYS/VPS         | 225 Watts         | ok


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