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Tips for troubleshooting zone services issues (Doc ID 2927057.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 11, 2024

Applies to:

Solaris Operating System - Version 11.4 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


  Oracle Solaris 11.4 brings the Zones Delegated Restarter (ZDR) to manage the Zones infrastructure and autobooting, and SMF Goals. Each zone aside from the Global Zone is modeled as an SMF instance of the service svc:/system/zones/zone:<zonename> where the name of the instance is the name of the zone.


  On start-up, the ZDR creates a zone SMF instance for any zone (save for the Global Zone) that does not have one but is supposed to. Likewise, if there is a zone SMF instance that does not have a corresponding zone, the restarter will remove the instance.

  The ZDR is responsible for setting up the infrastructure necessary for each zone, spawning a zoneadmd daemon for each zone, and restarting the daemon when necessary. There is a running zoneadmd for each zone in a state greater than configured on the system.


Troubleshooting Steps

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Troubleshooting Steps

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